8 Health Bath Benefits and 8 Healthy Add-Ins for Your Next Soak

Bath Benefits

To wash off dirt and grime, a shower or a bath? The age-old question’s solution is ultimately a matter of opinion, but it’s common knowledge that the vast majority of Americans like showers. The majority of Americans (around 66%) take a shower every day, per Harvard Health Publishing.

Even if you use the shower on a regular basis since it’s faster, nothing beats the feeling of relaxation after a nice, long soak in a hot tub or natural spring.

According to Jeffrey Gladd, MD, the founder of Gladd Integrative Medicine in Columbia, Indiana, a warm bath helps you relax by increasing your core body temperature and decreasing your blood pressure.

Perhaps this is why so many individuals still prefer to use a bathtub despite the widespread adoption of showering. The United States Environmental Protection Agency reports that taking a bath uses almost twice as much water as taking a shower, so baths aren’t exactly eco-friendly, but they are good for your mental and physical health.

You can accomplish both personal cleanliness and stress relief by taking a bath instead of a shower. In the mood for a swim? Here are the top Bath Benefits :

A relaxing evening bath before bedtime

Unfortunately, sleep is often overlooked despite its significance to one’s well-being. A nightly bath may be just what the doctor prescribed for a healthy night’s sleep, especially considering that one-third of Americans don’t get enough sleep, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Dr. Gladd recommends taking a warm bath before bed “if falling asleep is a nightly struggle for you.” He refers to a meta-analysis published in Sleep Medicine Reviews in August 2019 that found people who took a warm bath one to two hours before bedtime reported falling asleep faster and having better quality sleep.

The increase in core body temperature from immersion in hot water is one explanation. The Cleveland Clinic claims that your internal body temperature is linked to your circadian rhythm, which controls your sleep schedule.

According to research from the Sleep Foundation, your core temperature normally drops as bedtime approaches. Taking a warm bath before bedtime might assist your body in transition into sleep mode by increasing your core temperature, pushing your body’s temperature to drop when you get out, and mirroring the natural decline that occurs at night.

Skin benefits from a lukewarm bath 

While a soak in warm or even hot water can feel amazing, it may not be the best choice for your skin. Board-certified dermatologist and founder of Central Dermatology Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Beth G. Goldstein, MD, recommends lukewarm water soaks for skin hydration.

Dr. Goldstein warns that using hot water can actually be detrimental by causing water loss in the skin. The American Academy of Dermatology warns that bathing in water that is too hot might cause the skin’s natural oils to be removed, leaving the skin dry (AAD).

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests reducing the temperature of the water to lukewarm (the ideal range) and cutting bath times in half to no more than 10 minutes.

Goldstein suggests applying lotion after a shower to keep the skin hydrated. “When skin is damp, moisturizer absorbs better,” she says. Emollient moisturizers with ceramides or lipids assist the skin to retain its moisture by preventing water evaporation from the stratum corneum, the skin’s outermost layer.

Baths alleviate aching muscles and joints.

Muscle pain can be caused by a number of factors, including but not limited to stress, tension, injuries, and exercise, as well as illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, which are characterized by painful muscle and joint inflammation.

If you’re experiencing joint or muscular pain, consider lowering yourself into a tub of warm water. The combination of the water’s warmth and moderate pressure on your skin can help alleviate your discomfort.

The practice of thermotherapy, also known as passive heating, is exemplified by hot baths. A review of this treatment method was published in the December 2020 issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology, and it was found to share some of the same effects as exercise, such as reductions in chronic low-grade inflammation.

If taking a long bath isn’t your thing, the Cleveland Clinic says an ice bath can have the same anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.

The Cleveland Clinic recommends keeping your plunge to less than five minutes, but you should check with your doctor first, especially if you are taking medication for a chronic condition like heart disease or diabetes. According to Harvard Health Publishing, cold water shock can increase blood pressure while decreasing heart rate.

They can improve your sleep

Although the advantages of restful sleep are well known, many people still struggle to attain the recommended eight hours. One enduring notion contends that a colder core body temperature will aid in the induction of sleep, which explains why some researchers advise sleeping in a cool environment.

However, taking a warm bath before bed can have similar effects. Our body temperatures naturally fall at night, which triggers the release of melatonin, or the sleep hormone.

Your body temperature will rise while in a warm bath, and it will quickly return to normal once you get out, encouraging the generation of melatonin and better preparing you for sleep.

Bathing may promote heart health and lower blood pressure.

While hot water immersion and other forms of passive heat therapy should not be used in place of regular exercise, they can provide similar cardiovascular advantages for people who cannot actively exercise due to limitations such as certain elderly men and women.

Lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death has been linked to regular sauna use, per data from a previous cohort study. Japanese males who took baths more frequently (daily or virtually daily) were shown to have a lower risk of heart disease, according to a study published in Heart in May 2020. (once a week).

Warm baths and saunas cause blood arteries to dilate, therefore those with low blood pressure should be careful. This allows blood flow more easily, reducing blood pressure, but it also increases the risk of fainting, as reported by Harvard Health Publishing.

In contrast, a review published in August 2018 in Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggests that the steam associated with sauna bathing may contribute to heart health by assisting in the reduction of blood pressure.

Bath can help alleviate stress and nervousness.

Gladd explains that a relaxing soak in a hot tub can help alleviate stress, exhaustion, and pain. For thousands of years, people have enjoyed the physical and psychological benefits of a relaxing bath.

Taking a relaxing bath can do wonders for your state of mind because of the calming effect on your body. Submerging oneself in water has been shown to have calming effects on the mind and body, making it a viable self-care option.

Although showers are more popular, bathing may be beneficial for mental health. There is evidence from the past to suggest that a full-immersion bath can help with exhaustion, tension, discomfort, and mental state. Additionally, bathing was linked to less feelings of sadness, anxiety, and hostility.

Bathing can speed up the natural childbirth process and enhance urinary system health.

Bathing can speed up the natural childbirth process and enhance urinary system health.
It is generally known that taking a warm bath while a woman is in the early stages of labor can promote relaxation and reduce pain.

They can then concentrate on giving birth to their children and advancing their labor as a result. Immersion in water during labor and immediately following delivery has no negative impact on either the mother or the newborn.

Post-natal herbal and essential oil baths have also aided in the physical and mental healing processes in several cultures. Warm baths can help the internal urethral sphincter relax, which reduces discomfort after surgery and speeds up the recovery from an episiotomy or birth-related tears. However, frequent bathing can raise the risk of urinary tract infections, especially for repeat sufferers.

Gets You in Shape ( My preferred Bath Benefits)

A lot of people think that the only way to lose weight is to go on a diet and hit the gym, but actually, taking a bath can help you lose weight as well. A study found that the number of calories burned by persons who walked for thirty minutes was comparable to the number of calories burned by people who took a bath for the full hour.

According to these findings, taking baths is the best way to get rid of excess weight. Lying down in a warm bath has been shown to reduce glucose and sugar levels in the body, making it an effective treatment for diabetes. However, rather than substituting workouts for baths, blend the two activities into one routine.

After a long and stressful day, having a bath can help you unwind and relax, which is one of the many typical health benefits of doing so. You may make the experience more enjoyable by including essential oils, ensuring the water is at the appropriate temperature, and turning down the lights.

Here are 5 wholesome things you may put in your bath.

Consider including one of these skin-loving substances (that you definitely already have!) into your next bath for an extra dose of pampering. However, you should be aware that they might not work for you.

Johns Hopkins Medicine warns that the vagina’s delicate pH balance could be disrupted by components like essential oils or that they could cause skin disorders like dermatitis. Talk to your family doctor, gynecologist, or dermatologist if you’re worried about any of these conditions.

Epsom salts

Magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen are the three components of Epsom salts. Those with aching muscles and stiff joints can find relief from a bath with 300 grams of Epsom salts, as suggested by the Cleveland Clinic. (But don’t use them every day—they might be irritating and dry out your skin if you do.)

In addition, Lavender Oil

An easy method to make a bath more luxurious is to add some essential oils. According to the Sleep Foundation, a few drops of lavender essential oil can help you get a good night’s sleep by promoting relaxation.

Baking Soda

The National Eczema Association suggests trying a baking soda bath if you’re experiencing skin sensitivity. One-fourth cup added to a bath might help soothe irritation. (Two tablespoons in a baby-sized tub of water can help soothe diaper rash, as recommended by Parkside Pediatrics.)

Olive Oil

Research suggests that olive oil can work as a natural moisturizer, which is useful after a long soak in the tub, which can dry up the skin.

An easy way to moisturize your skin when taking a bath is to add a cup of olive oil to the water or to rub the oil into your skin before getting in. (Be very careful not to slip when you get out of the tub, and be sure to thoroughly clean your tub with dish detergent and water to get rid of any slippery residue!)


The soothing, moisturizing effects of an oat bath have long been touted as a treatment for everything from eczema and psoriasis to dry skin. The National Eczema Foundation recommends colloidal oatmeal for relieving eczema-related irritation.

In order to hydrate and calm your skin, try adding up to 1.5 cups of oats to your bath water. If you want to use oats in your bath without making a huge mess, you can put them in pantyhose and then tie the hoses to the faucet.

Your layers of tension will start to dissolve as soon as you add clary sage oil to your bath. After a trying day at work, give it a try. Sandalwood, orange, lavender, geranium, and clary sage go well together.


Florals like rose, jasmine, and ylang-ylang go nicely with this energizing perfume. The anti-aging benefits of orange essential oil make it perfect for the bath because it can assist to stimulate blood flow and collagen formation. To avoid sunburns, you may wish to wait 24 hours after using this product because it can make your skin photosensitive.

Ylang Ylang

This floral, sweet aroma is uplifting and inspiring. It is an excellent essential oil for bathing with a significant other because, like jasmine, it is an aphrodisiac. Not only does it encourage relaxation, but aromatherapy also uses it to improve memory and lower blood pressure.


Another oil that is wonderful for the body and the mind is rosemary essential oil. It is thought to help with clarity and stress relief, which is perfect after a challenging day. It blends well with marjoram and lavender and also aids in relaxing tense muscles.

Finals Words

Taking baths is a great way to relax and treat yourself, but they are also good for your health.

Baths can help calm and soothe nerves, improve muscle tension and circulation, ease aches, pains, and sore muscles, aid the digestive system, relieve headaches and migraines, increase mental clarity and ease depression.

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